Tweet TONTON - FITNESS ADVISER: novembro 2010

O. de oliva é bom para o fígado.

Publicado  quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2010

Lee Swanson Research Update

Olive Oil May Protect Against Liver Damage
November 2010
Olive oil compounds may protect against oxidative stress in the liver, according to a new study in rats.

The research, published in Nutrition & Metabolism reports that rats fed a diet containing olive oil were partially protected from liver damage after being exposed to a moderately toxic herbicide known to deplete antioxidants and cause oxidative stress.

"Olive oil is an integral ingredient in the Mediterranean diet. There is growing evidence that it may have great health benefits including the reduction in coronary heart disease risk and the modification of immune and inflammatory responses," said Prof. Mohamed Hammami from the University of Monastir, Tunisia and King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

"Here, we’ve shown that extra-virgin olive oil and its extracts protect against oxidative damage of hepatic tissue," he added.

In healthy people, reactive oxygen species generation (ROS) is counterbalanced by the action of antioxidants. However, oxidative damage caused by an imbalance in ROS and antioxidants is a major contributor to the development of many diseases including cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative disorders.

In experimental studies, olive oil and its phenolic compounds have shown strong antioxidant properties, with the authors noting growing evidence that it may have health benefits including the reduction in coronary heart disease risk and the modification of immune and inflammatory responses.

The study explored the idea that, owing to its high content of natural antioxidants, olive oil could reduce oxidative damage in rats.

Because the liver is not only the main target for phenolic antioxidants once absorbed from the gut but is also the major place for phenolic metabolism, the researchers stated that studies investigating the effect of antioxidant dietary phenolics on the liver should be given priority.

They tested the effect of dietary supplementation of olive oil and its phenolic fractions (hydrophilic or lipophilic) on oxidative stress and liver fatty acid composition of rats treated with the oxidative-stress-inducing herbicide 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).

All rats given 2,4-D were reported to show signs of significant liver damage. However, extra-virgin olive oil and intake of its hydrophilic fractions were observed to induce a significant increase in antioxidant enzyme activity and decreased markers of liver damage.

The lipophilic fraction supplemented to 2,4-D-treated rats was observed to not show any improvement in the liver oxidative status.

The authors detected a marked improvement in the hepatic fatty acid composition of rats supplemented with olive oil and both the hydrophilic and lipophilic fractions.

The researchers concluded the protective effects of olive oil against oxidative damage are mainly related to the antioxidant potential of its hydrophilic fraction.

"The hydrophilic fraction of olive oil seems to be the effective one in reducing toxin-induced oxidative stress, indicating that hydrophilic extract may exert a direct antioxidant effect on hepatic cells," said Prof. Hammami. "However, more detailed studies about the effect of antioxidant compounds separately and/or their interactions are necessary to substantiate these observations," he added.

Nutrition & Metabolism 7(1):80, 2010

principios de treino

Publicado  quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2010

Bife de proteina de soja


- 200 gr de proteína de soja graúda
- ½ cebola
- 50 ml de shoyo Light (organico de preferencia)
- 1 colher de chá ou sobremesa se achar necessario de gordura de coco
- pitada de coentro e sal marinho
- 5g de paprica picante ou 5g de curry. preferir o tempero que achar mais adequado.
Rende: 10 bifes

Obs. Hidratar a soja corretamente!





Dúvidas em relação ao treinamento H.I.T?
segue alguns videos explicando.

High Intensity Training (HIT) is a form of strength training popularized in the 1970s by Arthur Jones, the founder of Nautilus. The training focuses on performing quality weightlifting repetitions to the point of momentary muscular failure. The training takes into account the number of repetitions, the amount of weight, and the amount of time the muscle is exposed to tension in order to maximize the amount of muscle fiber recruitment.[1]



Nova metodologia de treino muito interessante.

// Fascia Stretch Training-Seven (FST-7)
1. Fascia: pl. fas·ci·ae : Anatomy A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.
2. Stretch: v. stretched, stretch·ing, stretch·es To lengthen, widen, or enlarge
3. Training :the process of bringing a person to an agreed standard of proficiency by practice and instruction
4. Seven: The seventh in a set or sequence.

Quiche de proteina de soja


- 150 gr de proteína de soja fina
- 1 cebola
- 50 ml shoyu
- 30 ml óleo (1 colher grande)
- 20 gr sal marinho (1 colher sopa rasa)
- ½ tofu
- pitada noz moscada e mostarda pó
- ½ ml tempero verde
- ½ pimentão
- massa integral c/ linhaça
Rende: 12 fatias

Sanduiche de tofu.


- 2 fatias de pão da marca bem nutrir ou aminna versão sem açucar
- 1/3 tofu
- 100 gr de requeijão Danubio ZERO (não light, mas a zero) ou polenghi frescatino zero
- 80 gr cenoura ralada, alface
- 80 gr de ervilhas
- 1/3 ml tempero verde
- Rende: 4 sanduiches




50-60g de aveia em flocos.
Stévia (adoçante a gosto)
Canela (uma pitada)
Whey Protein (sabor de sua preferencia) - 1/2 scoop
4 claras de ovo

Como fazer:

Misturar tudo em um recipiente enquanto isso pré aquecer em fogo baixo por 5 min uma frigideira teffal (nova).
Adicionar a massa que deve estar homogenea na frigideira, virar a massa mais ou menos após 3min.
Tempo de preparo em média 6 a 8min.

Consultoria em investimentos imobiliarios!


Site que demonstra todos os exercicios de musculação.


Abaixo segue um site "free" que tem gifs animados demonstrando como realizar a maioria dos exercicios de musculação.